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lake ontario

Baking Inspiration


On a sheep-filled rural island on Lake Ontario, the south shore road hugs the edge of the water. There, if you are lucky enough to be invited, you can find a beautiful bread oven. It was the inspiration for our wood-fired oven. This is the view from the oven at Cloudbanks. Turn around now, and have a peek at this oven. There is plenty of work space on the stainless steel topped tables.

We had pizzas one night and came back for bread (on bikes) the following evening.

Mr. Sylvester, baker extraordinaire.

Nine round loaves can bake at one time.

Gorgeous basket of hot bread! On the left you can see the bannetons (bread rising baskets imported by Four Worlds Bakery of Philadelphia).

Pass the butter! This stuff makes me hungry when I’m full. Its heavenly. And sourdough.

One comment

  1. Molleez Ghost says:

    You may feel you live in the middle of nowhere, but you and your family are never alone.

    We enjoy what you write.


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