Blog | Families | Lake Jean winter Family photos

Lake Jean winter Family photos

Nothing makes me happier that seeing returning clients, especially when I get to see their adorable little ones growing up and challending me in new ways!

I’ve known Katie since she babysat my kiddos when she was in high school, and now she’s expecting her third babe!

The forcast was for a balmy forty degrees in January, but the wind at Lake Jean was brutal and the brothers were not feeling it. On the wasy home we stopped by my place for a super quick improvised stuidio add on. The rowing machine was a fun little diversion!

Katie posted : I had the bright idea to get our photos done at Ricketts Glen in January and, while it was BEAUTIFUL, the brutal cold and wind at Lake Jean was a complete no go for two frozen little boys 🥶 They wanted nothing to do with it.

But as always Nicole Karr Photography still managed to get some wonderful shots that I just love! When the weather proved challenging she went above and beyond and let us take some indoors on her own property (and let the boys use her rowing machine 😂)

Thank you again Nicole – we are excited to get some nice WARM spring or summer photos when our little girl arrives!

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